Midweek Reset Breathwork Class

WEDNESDAYS @ 7:15 am

55 minutes - $25/person

Finish your week strong with this mid-week reset breathwork class!

This is an upregulated breathwork class to wake you up, shake loose any stagnant energy, and to help you feel absolutely awesome for the day. We start at 7:15 am on the dot and close the doors, so come early!

Breath styles for this class may include Wim Hof breathing, shamanic breath, Sufi breathing, and other upregulated (faster, energizing producing) techniques.

"Go Home Happy” Breath work Class


45 Minutes - $25/person

The "Go Home Happy" Breathwork Class is designed to help you unpack the stresses of the day, center yourself, and go home happy and peaceful.

This class is typically a more downregulated (calming, de-stressing) class that is 45 minutes in total.

Come as you are, mats and blankets are provided.

And most importantly, go home happy:)

Re-center & Ground Breathwork Class


45 minutes - $25/person

Join us on your lunch break (or, just join us no matter what) for a mid-day breathwork class to recenter and ground yourself for the rest of the day.

It'll be perfect break to lay down, breathe deeply, and allow the stresses of the day to melt away.

See you there!

Sunday Community Breath work Experience


1 Hour - $25/person

Plug into the power of community breathwork at our Sunday morning events. Find your tribe, go deep into your breath, and feel incredible. These are longer breathwork journey and we typically listen to a guided breathwork experience from the Othership app. Each breathwork experience has a theme to allow you to have growth and an incredible journey. We provide mats, blankets, and everything you need! Tea is included afterward.